Holidays In The Park

"Holidays in the Park" is coming.
Reserve your Tree Today!
The Holmen Area Rotary Club is glad to announce their 5th annual “Holidays in the Park” Christmas tree trimming contest at Halfway Creek Park. The contest is an opportunity for businesses, organizations and even families to have fun and get exposure in a wholesome, holiday themed event. The response last year from the public was very enthusiastic. Last year the trees sold fast so reserve your tree today! All proceeds will go to support Club projects in the Holmen Area, the Coulee Region and around the world.
Trees must be reserved by clicking on this link: Tree Reservation Link
After reserving a tree, you will receive a confirming email with payment information
$100 fee to participate/sponsor a tree.
Mail check to Holmen Area Rotary Club P.O. Box 661 Holmen Wi 54636 or Venmo to: @Holmen-Rotary
View the Tree Map to find a Tree #, click on this link: 2024 Tree Map
View the Tree Rules, click on this link : 2024 Tree Rules
Printable Vote for your tree poster : HITP Poster
- Voting procedure- Cash at the park and online $1 per vote via VENMO to @Holmen-Rotary
- Questions? please contact us at

Contest Basics
$100 fee to participate/sponsor a tree.
Signage will be provided by Rotary - number & name w/logo if available
3 categories
Winners in each category are determined by highest number of votes - votes are $1 each.
Prize/ acknowledgement for winners - $250 donation to Boys & Girls Club in their name.
50 trees available for Sponsorship
Rotary will cut trees & set up in the park
Trees are approx. 5'- 6' height and are very full.
Purchase a tree by going to our Rotary website (below).
Nov. 23 Start decorating trees
Dec. 5 Tree decorating must be completed
Dec. 7 Tree Lighting Ceremony/Jingle Fest
Jan. 1-3 Removal of decorations
Picture taking area set up in band shell with Christmas background.
Trees are lit nightly in the park from 6:00 - 10:00 p.m.
An optional service is available to have the Sand Lake Elementary students take down your decorations on Jan. 2 for a $20 fee. Let us know if you would like this service:
Voting procedure- Cash or Venmo at the park and at participating businesses - $1 per vote
Rotary will provide a flyer with QR code that can be posted at your place of business.
For complete contest rules, check the links provided above.