The Holmen Area Rotary Club is having their inaugural Holidays In The Park Christmas Tree decorating contest . Businesses, Organizations and Individuals can purchase a tree to decorate. The trees will be set up in Holmen's Halfway Creek Park and will be on display from December 4th to the 31st. Viewers can vote for their favorite trees and the Business, Organization and Individual with the most votes will be awarded a significant donation made to the Holmen Boys and Girls Club in their name. Each vote costs $1 and can be done in person at the Park during the event's operating hours or at any time via the Bid Beacon App - https://app.bidbeacon.com/invite/#QS47RE . All proceeds go to benefit the Holmen Area Boys and Girls Club.
Get in on the fun! Sponsoring a tree to decorate is only $100. If you would like to compete you can buy a tree at https://app.bidbeacon.com/invite/#QS47RE . Or contact a HARC member at holmenrotary@gmail.com to get signed up. For more info on rules and dates go to page/holidays-in-the-park